Random Acts of Thought

You have arrived at Jeromes space on the Web Welcome to my rambling ground. I have set up this space for a number of reasons. Firstly I am not good at keeping in touch with people. I KNOW I should write letters, make phone calls and such, but I am plain bad at it.A blog seemed a practical way of letting many people at once know how I am doing and what I am up to. Secondly I enjoy talking and thinking. This seemed like a good place to express my views on whatever came to mind.


The Thoughtful Ape is a primate who is honestly interested in understanding the world he lives in. He is particularly interested in cognitive biases and the limits of intuition. Like most of his species he is both vain and opinionated but is interested in understanding what is true despite these faults. The Thoughtfuls Ape's opinions change and evolve with time. What is posted here reflects his opinion at the date at which it was written.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

A curious role reversal

I was thinking yesterday about how ironic it is that conservatives and liberals switch roles on the evolution vs creationism debate.
Conservatives who mostly believe in the creative power of free markets unfettered by topdown government control are often utterly unable to apply this thinking to the evolution vs inteligent design/creationism debate... suddenly structure and order are inconceivable without the existence of a benevolent central planner.

Similarly liberal who snub their noses at anything so crass and unsophisticated as a personal god making design decisions from his government office in the sky, become convinced that just such a figure is necessary to produce a "community" ....


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